Environmental Efforts
Open Circle's environmental efforts include responsible stewardship of the church grounds and facility, as well as external projects such as an annual Minnesota River Cleanup of our sponsored section of the river, and participation in such efforts as Citizen's Climate Lobby and Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light.
Church Property
Our church property is a reflection of our values at Open Circle Church. We have embarked on a multi-year project with several phases including:
Rain Garden--The rain garden filters water runoff from our parking lot and surrounding areas, filtering out pollutants while recharging the ground water. Rain gardens also provide habitat for birds, butterflies, and pollinators.
Native Garden--This garden is planted in native plant varieties that require little maintenance or watering.
Prairie--Native prairie is planted in two sections of the property. Native prairie stabilizes soils, returns nutrients, requires little maintenance after the first several years, crowds out weeds, and provides habitat for birds, butterflies and pollinators. The prairie is to be expanded in phases.
Highland Drive Community Garden--The northwest portion of the church property is home to a 20-plot community garden. See the Highland Drive Community Garden's Facebook page for more information. OCC maintains a plot in the community garden to grow vegetables for 360 Communities' Food Shelf.
Human Sundial--A "human" sundial was built for Open Circle Church as an Eagle Scout project by Savage, MN Boy Scout Troop 242. It is located near the sidewalk on Highland Drive between Dana Drive and Elm Lane.
Our church property is a reflection of our values at Open Circle Church. We have embarked on a multi-year project with several phases including:
Rain Garden--The rain garden filters water runoff from our parking lot and surrounding areas, filtering out pollutants while recharging the ground water. Rain gardens also provide habitat for birds, butterflies, and pollinators.
Native Garden--This garden is planted in native plant varieties that require little maintenance or watering.
Prairie--Native prairie is planted in two sections of the property. Native prairie stabilizes soils, returns nutrients, requires little maintenance after the first several years, crowds out weeds, and provides habitat for birds, butterflies and pollinators. The prairie is to be expanded in phases.
Highland Drive Community Garden--The northwest portion of the church property is home to a 20-plot community garden. See the Highland Drive Community Garden's Facebook page for more information. OCC maintains a plot in the community garden to grow vegetables for 360 Communities' Food Shelf.
Human Sundial--A "human" sundial was built for Open Circle Church as an Eagle Scout project by Savage, MN Boy Scout Troop 242. It is located near the sidewalk on Highland Drive between Dana Drive and Elm Lane.
Arrow Program
Open Circle Church is a proud member of Dakota Valley Recycling's Arrow Program, recognizing local organizations for reducing waste and energy consumption, as well as for their recycling programs. Open Circle Church recycles paper, paperboard, cardboard, steel and aluminum cans, glass, and plastics 1-6. We also compost vegetable and some paper waste.
Open Circle Church is a proud member of Dakota Valley Recycling's Arrow Program, recognizing local organizations for reducing waste and energy consumption, as well as for their recycling programs. Open Circle Church recycles paper, paperboard, cardboard, steel and aluminum cans, glass, and plastics 1-6. We also compost vegetable and some paper waste.
Community Efforts
Open Circle members also participate in a variety of community efforts related to the environment and climate. In addition to our annual cleanup of our adopted section of the Minnesota River bank near 35W, current efforts include involvement in the Citizen's Climate Lobby, and Interfaith Power and Light.
Open Circle members also participate in a variety of community efforts related to the environment and climate. In addition to our annual cleanup of our adopted section of the Minnesota River bank near 35W, current efforts include involvement in the Citizen's Climate Lobby, and Interfaith Power and Light.